Showing posts with label Charles Bukowski. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charles Bukowski. Show all posts


Charles Bukowski – Sie schlug die Tür zu

Sie schlug die Tür zu und war weg. 
Ich schaute auf die geschlossene Tür
und auf den Türknauf, und seltsamerweise 
fühlte ich mich nicht allein.

– Charles Bukowski

Ins Deutsche übersetzt von Johannes Beilharz. Das amerikanische Original stammt aus Bukowskis Gedichtband You Get So Alone at Times That It Just Makes Sense (1986).


Now, if I were

Charles Bukowski,
I wouldn’t even
feel bad about being
a pessimistic antisocial
old grouch.

I’d simply curse at
what angers me
and not waste a thought
on whether that’s
wrong or right

or whether
might give a fuck.

– Iself (© 2021)


Morning Digestion

Trying my best Charles B. imitation

Read Bukowski for breakfast,
including that one with the radio
he threw out the window every
time he got drunk, always breaking
the window. Then he added
something about watching a
scantily clad neighbor digging
in her garden patch just below.
I wondered if she happened to
show up, scantily clad, every
time Charles B. got drunk and
threw the radio out the window.

– Johannes Beilharz (© 2005)

Originally published at Poem Hunter.