Why should I produce series? Doesn’t anyone like variety?– Arthur Brownfeld
OK, now he's back to Brownfeld, as per specific instruction. Have it your way, Blumstein, Brownstein, Goldblum, whoever you are.
A blog dedicated to literature in its multivarious forms and to other forms of art (visual, film, photography)
Why should I produce series? Doesn’t anyone like variety?– Arthur Brownfeld
If that ain't poetic.
Es macht wenig Sinn, Würmern Füllfederhalter verkaufen zu wollen.
ein Moment Urlaub, anonym,http://www.beilharz.com/poetas/shakir/
zwischen dem Zerbrechen eines Traums
von Liebe und dem Beginn eines anderen
a moment's leave, anonymous,http://www.beilharz.com/poetas/shakir/
between the breaking of one dream
of love and another's beginning
He considered himself to be virtuous for not doing any of the evil things he could think of.
wenn sich die Regenwolken
über schindelgedeckten Dächern
zusammengezogen haben
und blauhäutige Götter
mit Zauberflöten
die Jungfrauen zum Tanz verführen.
That kind of history kind of surprised me ... but perhaps I shouldn't be surprised in this age of identity theft. I've probably got more histories than I will ever know apart from the various ones I know of or have actively created.Your history shows that your last order is ready for refilling.
Ora Odoura is photographer and specialises in outdoor and creative photography. Her storytelling shoe fiction was selected for Argo Spier’s 'Heaps of Cream' sequence because of both the contrast and complement it forms to the sequence . Her's is a story of peaceful meditation. 'Heaps of Cream' is cerebral agony.To be seen at ArgoBoat.
of girl. I should have liked to know her. Good night, young him not - drank it, and fell dead. It was too old for him. It He bites. There was one boy - a certain J. Steerforth - who cut good deal though I was much less brave than Traddles, and nothingGood-bye, Younghimnot! What sad fate to befall one.