
Nigeria comes to UK

Peter Fischer wants to give away millions

This lovely e-mail reached me today under the subject Hello Beloved Friend:
Dear Sir/Madam,

Please permit me to introduce myself to you. I am PETER FISCHER, An Accountant in London, United Kingdom. I got your contact from the British Council, and I have decided to contact you so that we can carry out this mutually beneficial business transaction.
My late Client (A National of your COUNTRY) until his death aboard an AERO FLIGHT 801 in 2001 deposited a total of USD$5.5M with THAMES BANK, UNITED KINGDOM.
He gave me the custody of the deposit documents, and as such entrusted me with the Legal Rights to transfer and execute this deposit to any Next of Kin after his demise.
I have since tried to locate any Next of Kin without success, hence I decided to contact you so that you can rightfully stand as the next of kin to inherit the deposited sum by virtue of the fact you share the same SURNAME as my late CLIENT.
I am writing you confidentialy because you will be able to claim this DEPOSIT because you have the same SURNAME as my Late CLIENT.
You will be entitled to 30% of the total sum should you be willing to assist me in this business transaction, 10% will be earmarked for taxation expense and I will get the remaining 60%.
I will prepare a formal agreement to guide us in this transaction for accountability purpose.
Please reply to my private email:

Yours truly, PETER FISCHER
42 Campshill Road, London
United Kingdom.
Tel: + 44 793 997 8490
Email: peter_fischer44@yahoo.co.uk
  • Good to know I'm known to the British Council.
  • Nigerian scam has come a long way. At least the grammar and spelling in this one are OK. Congrats, Peter, you seem to have gone to school.
  • Thanks for your special, individual confidence in me, Peter, which I probably only share with the millions of other SURNAMES you sent this mail to.
  • Sorry to hear about your LATE client. I'm sure he had the confidence in you that you doubtlessly deserve.
  • At this point, I cannot make use of your offer, Peter. But maybe lots of other potential and fully confidential business partners will send you e-mail and give you calls as I've decided to make this public.


Ein weiteres ABC-Gedicht

Als Boris
Connie den einen folgeschweren Gehversuch
im Jähzorn konterte,
lachte Mano närrisch.

Ohne Preis
quatschte Rehana
sanft tadelnd und vorwurfsvoll

(anonym eingegangen vom "Rhapsoden aus dem Waldachtal")

Ode an die Einsamkeit

ist eine Ode
an die

Sie hat
eine Anode

noch, wie
fast vorauszusehen,
eine Kathode

– Leonard Blumfeld (Copyright 2007)

Entstanden in Folge von Grübeln über Einsamkeit, ihren Schmerz und ihre Allgegenwart selbst in Gegenwart anderer. Außerdem Nutzung bzw. Missbrauch der dreiteiligen Form der Ode (Strophe, Antistrophe und Epode) ohne, so hoffe ich, Abgleiten ins oft allzu Öde der Ode.

Sollte man mir Plattheit oder Abgeschmacktheit vorwerfen wollen, verweise ich auf Pablo Neruda, der Oden auf so alltägliche Dinge wie Sellerie oder Zwiebeln schrieb.

Warum also nicht auch auf elektrisch-chemische Prozesse.

Aus dem Englischen übersetzt vom Autor.

A picassolage

One result from Linguasso - dynamic emotional design
"linguasso (for lingual and Picasso) creates totally random works of art, composed of text and based on varying emotions. It chooses an emotion, then displays associated words and dynamically created sentences in random fonts, sizes and places. It's quite addictive to watch over and over again, as each design seems to tell its own story."

Let the Exquisite Cadavulator do the poetry

There is a site that does dada poetry for you. You can either feed it an URL or type your own text in a box. Here's my box text (inspired by a movie with Louis de Funès, part of which I recently watched):
the young clown looked out of his caravan and noticed that the elephant who was manned by two people was gone the day began with sorrow even though out there was a humorous blue sky
Run through the cadavulator, this produced the following result:
who caravan young out and a that sky of was there blue with his clown by gone was was people two manned the the elephant though began day looked noticed even sorrow the humorous out
Something half-way grammatical and semantically discernible was turned into something ungrammatical and, well, definititely dada or blabla or something.

Now another trial. A terse collection of words in ungrammatical order based on observations of my immediate environment:
everything green white trip yellow book specialty you Theo's tell religions DataPerfect I
And cadavulator's output:
everything green Theo's tell religions trip DataPerfect white book I yellow specialty you
That didn't do anything for me, to tell you the truth. Give the machine one last chance:
love you I
Cadavulator's response:
you I love
Hey, not bad!

Go try cadavulator yourself.


zu einem feiertag

der morgen zieht herauf
in goldner pracht,
ein engelchor jauchzt auf,
es ist vollbracht
nach dunkler nacht,
die vögel kommen zuhauf

– erich friedländer (Copyright 2007)

Dieses Gedicht eines mir unbekannten Autors erhielt ich per E-Mail mit Bitte um Veröffentlichung.
Ich weiß nicht so recht, was ich davon halten soll. Barock-Abklatsch? Platte Reime? Oder ist es doch etwas Gelungenes? Und was hat es mit den unerwarteten Vögeln auf sich?


Platitudes revisited 1: poem by Ernst Jandl

no contradiction

becomes longer
and longer
i.e. shorter
and shorter
it doesn't stretch

(translated without much effort from the German original contained in ernst jandl, der gelbe hund, 1982)

For those of you who have never heard of Ernst Jandl: he was an Austrian poet who lived from 1925-2000 and was quite well-known for his humorous, partially experimental poems and linguistic artistry. He also created some funny neologisms.

Some of his poems, as the shining example above, are barely enough to elicit a half-chuckle and can be safely said to be padding material.

Peter Hille: Karfreitag

Karfreitags Krone. Heldenkönig! Einsames Haupt.
Verstoßen. Erheben
Die feige Flucht verdammender Hände.
Ein suchender führender Quell.
Wenn ich erhöht sein werde, will ich alle zu mir ziehen.
Und die Welt, die schwere Welt, die leichtsinnschwere Welt,
Fast schon oben, reißt ab, eine Wunde reißt auf,
Der Seele, Wunde des Leibes, Wunde des Todes:
Vater verzeihe ihnen, sie wissen nicht, was sie tun.
Zum schmerzlichen Hohn der Dornenkrone
Fallen kühlende Tropfen fühlender Größe.
Dem bedeutenden, einsamen Menschen an seinem Tage nahe sei,
So ist stiller Freitag, so ist Ostern
Trauerhelles Opferglück.
Abschiednehmendes Wiedersehn.

Dieses Gedicht zum Karfreitag von Peter Hille (1854-1904) verdanke ich Gregor Koalls täglicher Lyrikmail. Von Hille habe ich bisher wenig gelesen; er war mir mehr in Erinnerung in Verbindung mit Else Lasker-Schüler.
Dieses Gedicht beeindruckte mich durch seine unpathetische Stärke.
"Dem bedeutenden, einsamen Menschen", eine schwächliche Zeile, die eher in einen Essay passt als in ein Gedicht, formuliert ganz eindeutig Hilles Sicht des Christus als normaler Mensch, auch wenn er ihn als bedeutend einschätzt.


Im dunklen Erdteil Afrika | Nonsens von Ringelnatz

Im dunklen Erdteil Afrika
Starb eine Ziehharmonika.
Sie wurde mit Musik begraben.
Am Grabe saßen zwanzig Raben.
Der Rabe Num'ro einundzwanzig
Fuhr mit dem Segelschiff nach Danzig
Und gründete dort etwas später
Ein Heim für kinderlose Väter.
Und die Moral von der Geschicht? –
Die weiss ich leider selber nicht.

– Joachim Ringelnatz

Fragen an die Leserschaft
a. Ist es heute politisch unkorrekt, Afrika als "dunklen" Erdteil zu bezeichnen?
b. Wie ist der Rabe Nr. 21 zu sehen? Als ein reformierter Rabenvater?

Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux

From this poem by Louis Aragon from 1946 two lines in a new translation by myself:
Mon bel amour mon cher amour ma déchirure
Je te porte dans moi comme un oiseau blessé

My beautiful love, my dear love, you who tear me apart,
I carry you in myself like a wounded bird.
For some reason, these two lines from the poem – which do so much to create the image of a love apparently full of pain and contradictory impulses – have stayed with me for many years, while the rest of the poem has not.

The ending, which sounds like a punch line from a French chanson, is actually on the flat side:
Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux
Mais c'est notre amour à tous les deux

There is no happy love,
But this is our love.
The very last line could become more prosy to reflect the French more directly, e.g. "But it is the love between the two of us" or "But it is the love the two of us share," but that doesn't do much, does it?


Unnoticed in an ocean

... a situation that spells trouble.

More so, I would guess, than up the proverbial shit creek without a paddle.*
And pray
what might I
be trying to say?
– Little J. from his rosebed with flowers

* There, it seems, you always have the option of going with the flow, for which you don't need a paddle. Unless Shit Creek has some dangerous white water passages in between the yellowish brown ones...


Delayed April Fool's Day Issue

Work of the Poet has some hilarious historical April Fool's articles, e.g.:

  • Taco Liberty Bell and Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial
  • Richard Nixon runs for President again
  • Alabama changes Pi to biblical value


Schande oder Ehre oder was?

Heute gelesen (wo und über wen tut nichts zur Sache):
mit Preisen bedachter Literaturkritiker und bekennender Bob-Dylan-Fan
Tja, was sagt man dazu? Dass man ein nicht bekennender und nicht mit Preisen bedachter Irgendwer ist?

Zumindest aber soviel, dass mir bei manchen heute – auch gerade in der Literaturwelt – gängigen Redewendungen und Phrasen nicht nur die Galle, sondern auch der Mageninhalt hochsteigt.


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This lovely message reached me again today as so many times in the recent past, this time with
was closed while bathing
as the subject. For further elucidation, the following was offered (among other garbled text in English and something resembling Spanish):
Living wait refreshing baths.

To get dysfunction online, send mail to ser (husband@parview.com) or report http://leeta.hk/ to the best spam busting addresses.

Or did you write that yourself?

Was that a real poem

or did you write that yourself?

That came out of my head by itself,
with words that formed themselves,
a beginning by itself,
and an end in itself,
so yes, I wrote it myself
and it is real in itself
and in any other selves
exposed to it whether or not they themselves
realize the significance or insignificance of this or themselves.

– P. Lato