Among the lovely e-mails that fluttered into my mailbox today was this one from one robbie titled "Quality loans for americans":
Hello, Your refinance application has been accepted.As usual, I was surprised to hear that my application had been accepted even though I had never submitted any. Well, that may be attributed to overzealous salesmanship. (These people always pretend that you've already guarded swine with them.)
We are ready to give you a loan.
There is no obligation and this is a FREE quote
(o)Debt Consolidation.
(o)Second Mortgage.
(o)Equity Line of Credit.
(o)First Purchase.
Visit here for more information Expect to be contacted within 24 Hours.
Out of curiosity I visited the site referenced to find out why exactly some guys are so generously willing to lend me money based on a non-existent application.
There's no conclusive answer. These people are simply too good!
Best of all: They are fully compliant with the Can-Spam Act 0f 2003!
Other graphics prove their trustworthiness beyond the shadow of a doubt:
The only thing that's missing: an actual address.
If they had one, some lawyers and the police might come knocking ... for a loan or whatever.