Mai. Blühender Holzapfel.– Viktar Licvinau
Atme nicht. Schnee
fällt beim geringsten Hauch.
Ins Deutsche übersetzt von Johannes Beilharz.
Weißrussisches Original und englische Version.
A blog dedicated to literature in its multivarious forms and to other forms of art (visual, film, photography)
Mai. Blühender Holzapfel.– Viktar Licvinau
Atme nicht. Schnee
fällt beim geringsten Hauch.
You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of £516,778.00 (Five hundred and Sixteen thousand,seven hundred and seventy eight pounds sterling only)Thanks so much, Agent Peter and Mrs. Baines! Also for your kind plea for two new urgently needed English plurals (informations and datas). That was long overdue. Not to mention thanks for the biblical therefore leading into this stroke of pure luck.
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Mr Peter Taylor(CLAIMS AGENT)
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Betreff:Da ich die Chance auf horrende Spekulationsgewinne selbstverständlich nicht "verlieren" möchte, werde ich heute gleich nach Börsenbeginn so ungefähr eine Million Stück von dieser todsicheren Aktienrakete ordern. Wer würde schließlich einer so vertrauenserweckenden Informationsquelle nicht trauen! Außerdem Dank an den Spammer für die interessante Info zu Seelöwen, Schließmuskeln und zur Vitamin-C- und Salztherapie sowie die abschließenden Trostworte zum Herzensfrieden, der uns armen spamheimgesuchten Bürgern des Cyber-Zeitalters allzu oft abgeht.
When I stopped suffering from what my husband calls "mental diarrhea" and took responsibility for my life, everything changed for me.
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But, as with all of your most difficult challenges in life, there is always another way to look at things. I was, in fact, still receiving your guesses how a seal escapes a Great White before I published the factual answer. with DAILY INSPIRATION. You are NOT "easy prey" at all, only if you want to be, and I know that you do not want to be any less than what you are. I think that I sometimes "play dead" with my life, and just for some reason, won't do the things I am supposed to be, easier just to do nothing. They quickly grow a new one. I may be getting the attacks still, but I am able to deal with them constructfully. But the truth is actually more inspiring. he followed the 2nd insight, timing. However, you said what it did was outside the box. Now, when I personally can acknowledge ithe attack to myself, I can listen to what the other person has to say, be quiet and wait for them to say why it is they are attacking me. About the skink and the snake story I too think like the rest of them ,that the skink would have escaped by leaving awat a part of its tail. Nature is a profound treasure trove. But the truth is actually more inspiring. Even more, you'll receive a 45-minute session if you guess it right and include your inspiring personal story along with it. He waited until the snake was posed to strike and quickly slipped into the shadows successfully disappearing amoungst the like colored landscape. By building up its blood pressure sufficiently to burst a blood vessel in the eye , certain species of lizard use this tactic to escape predators. He told me where to go and consult. I have learnt that understanding the way our minds process things is an important step towards living with a peaceful mind and now do not need to live in confusing thoughts any more. I think that I sometimes "play dead" with my life, and just for some reason, won't do the things I am supposed to be, easier just to do nothing. And because we have a shared background we could start laughing about something silly which is what she really needed to do. This is not so hard to do, in fact to enjoy the feeling of peace everyday in my life, I take care of those three things. All the ideas and stories have required that I question my paradigm or way of seeing life . I have Lyme disease, and am doing frequency treatments for it that definitely help. Surrendering its tail in exchange for life sounds too easy, although it is the most logical explanation. A new perspective is given to us. You'll receive a twenty-minute session with me if you're the first to correctly guess the answer. I don't know exactly who God is to other people but to me it is the collective energy force that gives us all life. Nature is a profound treasure trove. There's nowhere for you to hide. And his teeth are far too close. As Zig Ziglar once said, "People tell me that inspiration doesn't last long. Likewise, turning around to attack or leap over the situation has also not worked. Clue - it was a totally different tactic than the seal pulled on the Great White, where the 200-pound seal maneuvered itself behind the 2000-pound shark to hilariously "chase it". These specialized vertebrae can be voluntarily split by muscular contraction; sphincter muscles in the tail stump close off the caudal artery to prevent excessive bleeding. to listen for God instead of looking for his affirmation as to how I will deal with this problem. And his teeth are far too close. It's an old "lizard trick. Share one of your own such stories on how you solved a problem. I live far away from your heroes and have no imagination how they look in reality. and totally out-of-the-box. So often people speak of letting go of the negative things from our past in order to both heal and grow. I ve experienced the saving power of God thru His Wisdom. The Wealthy Soul: "You won't believe this story, but it's true. "The riptides, if they're around at all, only pull you out to shoulder-deep water, and I've only seen a shark inside the breakers once. " Lizards are known for their ability to lose their tail to a predator in order to save their lives. Recently, I read about a Vitamin C and salt therapy that's supposed to be very effective, and wondered if I should pursue it. " It must be the consciousness I've been in, writing this latest series about Great Whites. This was totally unexpected and shocked the snake into confusion , which then slithered away. just might fall flat on its face! Peace of mind, peace of heart, peace in anything and everything we do is unfortunately missing far too often.
Fazit: Vermeiden, falls möglich. Bin ich froh, dass ich WordPerfect für meine kreative Arbeit habe.
Der Phantasus, in dem H. sein neues lyrisches Prinzip in jahrzehntelangem Ringen zu bewähren versuchte, wurde sein Hauptwerk; es bezeugte die Ingeniosität und Virtuosität des Sprachkünstlers H., dessen stoffbezogener Naturalismus sich hier überraschend als Außenseite eines artistischen Enzyklopädismus erweist, wie er ähnlich für Erscheinungen des dichterischen Barock oder Manierismus charakteristisch war. (Engere Beziehungen zur Lyrik des Barock hat H. selbst früh durch seine neuschöpferischen Imitationen Dafnis erkennen lassen.) Erst in jüngerer Zeit wurde die bahnbrechende Leistung H.' unter so erweitertem Blickwinkel angemessen neubewertet und gewürdigt.
CHFR Continues To Expand With 8 New Distributors! UP 9.6%!A second later, this strong buy recommendation was reinforced:
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CHFR, a Chinese orange supplier who hit the market by storm due to the
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distributors for oranges and orange products. This company is HOT, read
the news and get on CHFR first thing Tuesday!
A big party you are attending tonight might seem tedious and boring, ISELF. If you're single, probably no one there really interests you, and the few possibilities you meet might seem too crazy. If you're involved, your current love partner might not be able to come to this party. Why stay if you're not having fun? Better a video alone than a room full of vacuous people!Too bad I wasn't invited to that kind of party. In fact, I wasn't invited to any kind of party. But I'd really love to go and take my trusty & proven vacuity tester along (a neat, hand-held model).
info_@presse.mdwp.dedas folgende Prachtstück kreativer, wenn auch grammatikalisch und stilistisch nicht ganz hasenreiner Prosa:
Die Berliner U-Bahn Mitarbeiter fanden die Reste eines unbekannten Flugkoerpers.
Interessant findet man auch die Ermittlung von moeglichen Gruenden des Unwohlseins einiger U-Bahn Angestellten. Nach etlichen Inspektionen wurde ein Fremdkoerper gefunden. Wie Wissenschaftler behaupten, koennte der Koerper so gross wie ein Bus sein. Es wurde auch vermutet, er haette seltsame Strahlen aussenden koennen und das wegen rund um dem Rumpf gebildeter "Totzone".
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